About the project

KidsMarketing is a children’s franchise business program for private comprehensive schools, children’s training centers, courses, studios, and businessmen who seek to open their own business school.

The mission of the project is to develop in children from an early age business thinking, which represents a basis for their successful future!

Our task is in convincing schools, teachers and parents that business thinking represents a basis for a successful future, which needs to be developed from an early age.

The KidsMarketing program breaks the mould of habitual work activity of a person. About 80% of parents tell their children: «Study well at school and you will enter a prestigious university! Study well at the university and you will get a highly paid job after graduating!». However there is another way of earning money — to run a business of your own. Children are neither told about this way by their parents nor taught it at school. They have no choice because nobody has offered a choice to them or told about other possibilities! Children have only one way: to look for a well-paid job within the scope of their knowledge, skills and experience.

The world is changing rapidly… Many professions have ceased to exist at all or changed their offline format to the online one thanks to the emergence of the Internet.

Today’s Z generation doesn’t want to go to work every day, to be in someone’s employ and the present world of information technologies gives them this opportunity. Nowadays it is possible to earn money without leaving the house! But to do this it is necessary to be an expert in a certain area. Higher educational institutions will give children a specialty. And what’s next? How to monetize the gained knowledge? How to build a successful future since school days? For this purpose children should be explained advantages and shortcomings of being an ordinary hired worker, successful businessman or financially independent investor. Our program will tell children about how to earn money and how to spend it. But the choice is theirs!

Value of the KidsMarketing program:

contributes to the development of entrepreneurial qualities in children;
advances an understanding of social roles that exist in the modern world;
forms an idea of fundamentals of entrepreneurship;
motivates children to make a conscious choice of their professional way.

Gallery of the project

Where is the course taught?



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